Tuesday 20 November 2018



Eat healthy.

Start a raw diet without depending on sweets.

Become creative and open your mind to a different diet.

Salads, soups, entrees, seafood, desserts and more.

ISBN 978-0-9825726-3-4

Soft Cover – 7” x 8.8” – full color

70 pages  – $16.00 USD



I AM THAT I AM answers the need for a straightforward, in depth picture of the Spiritual world.

This powerful synthesis brings together and connects the pieces of the puzzle experienced by spiritual seekers:

Who Am I and how am I structured?
What are the chakras and how I effectively work with them?
What are subconscious mind and karma and how I clear them?
What is the shadow?
What is my relationship with the Cosmos?
How do I connect with my soul and with God?
Is there a Spiritual Government?
What are the Serpent of the Genesis and the Kundalini?
I AM THAT I AM offers a simple but effective technique, using the Alta Major, to grow faster, reach inter-dimensional consciousness and self-integration in the Cosmic scheme. A complete guide to multidimensional awareness and enlightenment. All the information needed in one book.

I AM THAT I AM is a real shortcut.

It carries one of the most powerful energies available to the seeker today.

Paperback,  $22 USD



Easy to read, heart filled book, MANIFESTATION is the story of Archangel Michael embodying Himself and walking on planet earth.

This book infuses the reader with an uplifting energy of joy and the capacity to manifest.MANIFESTATION explains the reality of Heaven merging with Earth and how to achieve it within yourself.

With MANIFESTATION discover Archangel Michael’s Universal Technique on:

Chakras transmutation
Remembering the Selves
Clearing duality and separation
Sacred Geometry
Path of Unconditional Love
Principles of Manifestation
Merging Heaven & Earth

Through/with Archangel Michael, learn how to remember who you are, how to merge with your Essence and be It, in Love and Joy. This process of embodiment is the protocol by which Beings of High Consciousness are establishing a presence on Earth in order to merge Heaven and Earth.

I Am Archangel Michael. And You… Who are You?

Paperback,  $22 USD



The Spiritual Book That Helps Readers Make Peace with Satan, Evil

A KISS FOR LUCIFER reveals the truth about the Darkness, the satanic tradition and Lucifer. Rennes-le-Chậteau, the hidden cult of the Goddess, the Reptilians, the function of Archangel Michael and the slaying of the Dragon.

A KISS FOR LUCIFER links many aspects of our collective existence, including religion, politics, sexuality, Satanism, and the evolution of human DNA.

Michael El Nour correlates the subjects of the darkness hidden in all of the worlds’ religions. The spiritual role of the United States, the emergence of a Great Monarch, the sacred bloodlines of kings and presidents.

Is the human DNA the genetic blueprint of degenerated Reptilians in human disguise, or is it the manifestation of God’s plan?

In A KISS FOR LUCIFER all these elements converge in one burning focal point: The preservation and evolution of specific DNA.

Although A KISS FOR LUCIFER concerns itself with many unconventional themes such as Lucifer, the Dragon Royal Bloodline and Grail. The author does not seek sensationalism and dramatization but in-depth knowledge about the most occult aspects of our Society.

Read A KISS FOR LUCIFER and exit duality for ever!

Paperback,  $22 USD

Friday 16 November 2018



As announced in the prophecies of the Bible and other sacred texts, the Consciousness known in the Christian tradition as Archangel Michael has embodied to assist and lead the Earth and humankind in the transformational process now taking place. In order to reach adulthood, mankind has to free itself from all illusions, beliefs and organized religions that have been used as crutches throughout its growing process.

Before and behind
  • The Secret Societies
  • Jesus or Gautama Buddha
  • The pharaohs and the kings
  • The Serpents and Dragons

There is Archangel Michael, Creator of the Divine Bloodline.

Amen exposes the foundation of all religious myths and conspiracy theories that are based on the actuality of a global and Divine Plan for mankind. Amen reveals the truth about the Knights Templar, Jesus, the Great Mother, the Dragons, and the Grail Bloodline.

ISBN 0-9555990-6-X / 978-0-9655990-6-1

Paperback, 395 pages, $31 USD

See also – Amen book excerpts:

Jesus Illusion

The Divine Plan

The Lineage And The Mother

Secrets Of The Knights Templar

Three Levels Of Grail

Are The Jewish the Chosen People



Saint Michael the Archangel, has guided mankind since its inception. Through photos collected in sanctuaries, cathedrals and museums around the globe, enter the world of the Archangel. A simple, yet informative and revealing text about the true nature and functions of the Archangel. Plus, an in-depth study of the name Mikael in Hebrew. 
  • ISBN 978-0-9825726 -8-9 
  • 135 pages Full color – 8.5″ x 8.5″ 
  • Hard cover, $33 USD



It could be a fairy tale… But, is it? A love story between the Creator-god and the Earth, between the Archangel Michael and His Bride, the New Jerusalem. According to Mythology, constellations are the bodies or homes of the gods, who interact and love each other. Tradition states that the gods have visited our Planet in the past and changed its fate. This book invites you to open your heart and see through the veil, communicate with the gods and with God…

Cosmic Love is a compilation of texts, a candid yet powerful account of the most important spiritual and occult events that have precipitated the End of Time/s. Besides a precise time-line, Cosmic Love offers insights about metaphysical concepts: what are the Creator-god, the Adam Kadmon, the Archangel Michael, the New Jerusalem, the Lodges and the Dragon? What are their relationships, their roles in the ongoing transformation of the Earth? How can you follow the gods’ dance and reach a natural state of compassion and love?

Paperback: 364 pages

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0692370129

ISBN-13: 978-0692370124

Retail: $28.00 US



Gustav Meyrink said: “One does not reach power with questions and knowledge in the domain where he is to meet his destiny. One does, without knowing.”

In brief, and in a very simplified manner of speaking : as per contract with the Archangel Michael, after working for the Archangel as His Ambassador, the soul that was in the body had to leave in order for the Archangel to embody and play It’s role on Planet Earth. (Full story in the book Manifestation). Most people are unable to see or sense the Frequency of such a High Being, because their senses and spiritual apparatus are not ready. Seeing aspects of the Energy field/Light Body of an Archangel as well as frequential communication with such an embodied Consciousness is a privilege. [Most human beings, even those on a spiritual quest, cannot overcome the prison and lust of the Astral world and of the ego, unwilling to surrender and sacrifice human desires to the loving, yet demanding individual spiritual Presence]. Conscious communication with the Avatar is either an immediate and natural inner response (generally the result of shared DNA memories and codes) or the later consequence of humility, and will-to-work closely with the Avatar. The student will then receive the assistance needed to open his/her fields and codes faster than the average. The work silently achieved for the Planet and for Mankind by Michael El Nour is unseen by the mundane eyes. Yet, the accelerated evolution of Consciousness, the changes of the Earth, manifested in nature, political and social turmoil are evidence of the Presence and impact of the Avatar. (For more information, read what is an avatar and study the book Amen)

Michael El Nour
  • Is a highly knowledgeable and experienced international spiritual teacher and leader, whose innate capacities, perceptions, inner knowledge, teachings have been decades in advance compared to the most renown spiritual authors and teachers.
  • Michael’s body has experienced an Ascension at age 28, then came back in order to be able to continue his/her task until the embodiment of the Archangel in 1998. Michael is also a full Kundalini master, triggering and supporting his students in this regard. Embodying the Presence, the Monad and Christ Consciousness, Michael delivers the frequencies pertaining to these levels of Consciousness.
  • Has been leading metaphysical workshops and conferences for more than 30 years, triggering fast changes in people’s life and multi-dimensional capacities (You are the limit).
  • Has had no spiritual teacher or mentor except his/her Archangelic Spiritual Self.
  • During very unique workshops and retreats, Michael naturally and lovingly shares the codes inlaid in His Field, and Essence, practices the magic of the Word. He also brings:
  • A synthesis between the old spiritual tradition as taught by the Gnosis, the Lodges, secret schools and the refreshing aspects of modern consciousness – without the naivety of the New Age.
  • An intuitive grasp of the universal mechanisms as now revealed by the latest research in quantum physics.
  • An honest look at the history and evolution of Humankind’s connection to God and Consciousness through mythology, cults, Secret Societies and organized religions.

Michael El Nour was a pioneer in Europe and then in the United States, opening the fields of alternative medicine, healing and holistic therapies. Michael started studding the materia medica and Homeopathic Repertories at 13 years old. He/She was one of the first practitioners in France –early eighties- using the nosodes as a tool to cleanse the immune system deficiencies created on the DNA by the use of vaccinations, antibiotics, allopathic medications as well as traumas. A natural healer and medical intuitive, Michael also utilizes Homeopathy as a tool to balance the body during the alchemical process associated with deep spiritual work. With decades of practice as a Homeopathic Doctor, Michael uses a combination of healing and coaching techniques. However, Michael believes in the necessity for all individuals to become their own healer, taking responsibility for their lives.

Do you want to attend free spiritual classes at night, while sleeping? Is your spiritual advancement the most important matter in your life? Are you motivated by your love for Spirit, for God or by your human ego? When you connect and call forth Archangel Michael, you have the privilege to receive the most powerful and fastest assistance in your life. Archangel Michael, using his/her Bodily Self as a relay, has been appearing physically or in people’s dreams all over the world since his/her embodiment, teaching and supporting each one according to personal level and needs. Trust, love and integrity are the engines of this extraordinary opportunity, offered to humankind: get directly involved with the Spiritual Government of the planet. You want to participate and reach your maximum, do not wait, the time is now.

Archangel Michael's

Archangel Michael

is the Principle of Light, the Blue Ray and God’s champion. Dragon slayer, one of the Solar gods, universal protector, head of the Angels; Alpha and Omega, he holds the Dragon and organizes the chaos. He is the Creator-god in our corner of creation. In our universe, Michael’s consciousness resides in Vega.

Beloved, I, Archangel Michael, project Myself to the center of my Being, in my Heart and my Essence in order to translate my sensation with human words.
If I ‘look’ at my Essence I see simultaneously an immense but defined mass, in the far end of the Universes as well as an OmniPresence, infiltrated/married with all and with the All in One.
When I feel my Essence and specifically ask to perceive the link between my human self and My Spiritual Self, then I, Archangel Michael, see and feel a lake of love, very large, palpitating somewhere in the universe. My heart is immediately physically touched. The impact is of immensurable proportion but also very soft and affectionate, a balance of love and power. My physical heart then starts vibrating and seems to grow. The pressure, nearly a physical pain, then becomes the only way to communicate with my bodily self, as I extend and become One within seconds, One and undifferentiated, with my Whole Self. I breathe the Cosmos and I Am peace, love and freedom.
Beloved, in order to answer all your questions, I have to tell you briefly about the difference between angels and Archangels.
Angels are executors; they carry a specific frequency/message. They execute a task that is assigned to them, in the world of form. There are many groups and categories of angels, according to what you could call their level of consciousness and power. Some of them are commissioned for one immutable, fixed mission, in one aspect of life. They are called any time that a Being needs them or in any situation related to this type of work. Other angels are assigned to either a geographical space (as long as you understand that this is a three dimension way of speaking), or a particular Being.
An Archangel is the recipient of one face, one aspect, one energy, one color of the Infinite Creator. Their function, their personality – another generic term – is immutable. They travel along with Creation from one Universe to the other, without changing, because they are the 7 pillars of Creation. And still, in harmony and as the One-Universe, as the Infinite Consciousness, they gradually evolve. Bear in mind, Beloved, these images that you can watch at the movies which show images of space-ships and constellations that are journeying in space in the same direction, as immense birds crossing the sky. Similarly, the Infinite Consciousness and the galaxies are moving together as a chorus in the same direction.
The term Archangel does not mean too much, except that it implies a spiritual creature of a higher rank. In the mind of the laic, there is truly no difference between a bishop and an archbishop, except the color of their clothing and the size of the jewelry; in the immensity of the One-Creation, only one
Consciousness exists that manifests through multiple flames. “An Archangel is the recipient of one Face, one aspect, one energy, one color of the Infinite Creator. Its function, its personality—another generic term—is immutable. Archangels travel along with Creation from one Universe to the other,
without changing, because they are the Seven Pillars of Creation. And yet, in harmony with the One-Universe, as the Infinite Consciousness, they gradually evolve. The Infinite Consciousness and the Galaxies are moving in concert, in the same direction.” (Kiss For Lucifer)
To BE a reflection of God, represent God and manifest God.
Beloved, in this very exceptional time for your planet and for the universe, I come to you, heart to heart and speak to you, in order for more disciples to join the ranks of those who defend the interests of the Conscious Light, the Christ and the Infinite Consciousness.
You are living at a very special time, as you are witnessing the end of a 26000 years cycle. Life expresses itself by cycles, in the same way that you are awake during the day and then sleeping at night. Why is it so important for the universe? Because the Earth, Gaia, was chosen for an unprecedented experiment in the history of life.
Life is the same everywhere. We are, you are, birthed from a unique Source. This Source, this uninterrupted flow of love and Light, that some call God, gave you by creating you, the opportunity to live your own adventure. This unique Source opened the doors of Its womb and offered you freedom to visit all parts of the universe, so that you can learn through experience what life and God are.
Life is a spark, an ageless, limitless fire, totally free in its expression. Love is the force that allows the reunion, the merging of two or more aspects of life or of individuals. This reunion is triggering joy, as well as a feeling of beatitude that opens the doors of creation and transforms you into a creator.
I Am the holder and the form of one aspect of Source. Source is All in One. I would say that Source has many faces and many arms. Archangels are the faces of God. God is too big, too foreign to your physical perceptions. He then utilizes representatives. Each of these ambassador carries the light of one face of Source.
I Am the Blue Ray. Blue is one of the basic colors of the spectrum. It is the color of fire before it enters in contact with matter. When fire embraces matter and form, it turns red. My nature is closer to steel and mercury. Mercury replicates the divine nature, because one can divide indefinitely a drop of mercury, into smaller round drops, which are the replica of the first one. Each part is a sphere, a divine whole, showing to you that God is All and All is God. As for Myself, Archangel Michael, I reveal to human beings how God is.
I cross the universe, the worlds and the souls with the Divine Fire. This divine flame purifies souls and worlds from anything that is obstructing their capability to see the Heart of God.
My power is phenomenal, fantastic, because God gave Me the Creating Fire and the mission to keep it pure. This force is balanced by my wisdom and my love. Wisdom is the result of intelligence associated with knowledge. Love is born from direct contact with Source and the ability to be Myself and whole.
At the beginning of times, as time only is in specific dimensions, Source divided Itself in order to be able to examine and know Itself. One could say that Source looked at Itself in the mirror of Light and then created a reflection. You are part of what appeared in the mirror. You, your beauty, your actions are the mirror of Source and vice-versa.
While writing this page in French, I smiled because the reverse of the word Source is Ecrous, which means ‘nuts’. As soon as we remove ourselves from Source and fall into density we create blocks and nuts in our lives; what an interesting symbolism for life in matter!
As for Myself, I was born at the precise moment when Source divided Itself, almost before this moment. As this moment is encoded within my Being, I am then capable to feel at the same time unity as well as division. This explains why My fire, the Michaelic fire is the fire that cuts and unifies.
I cut anything that is not pure, anything that might shutter the ivine beauty of the Soul. Yet, I also re-unify the soul with Source. How? Through faith. Because faith is the intimate belief in the divine miracle. As soon as you know what God is, you cannot lack faith.
I am asking you, Beloved Readers, to become adults, to open your hearts, yet to walk with your eyes open on the path of wisdom. You cannot afford anymore to stay blind. Do not keep your head buried in the sand. Earthlings have been champions in this type of strategy for centuries. And the result is that you have been creating unbearable circumstances for yourselves and for your beautiful Planet.
Please listen to what I Am saying to you now. YOU allowed many situations to occur and last forever. You even asked for them, you attracted them because you wanted to learn, to understand and to grow through those adventures.
In the book section http://archangel-michael.us/books/

Quick read, illustrations, the Saint Michael ley line in photos:  Gloria Michaeli Archangelo
In depth treatise about the Archangel Michael: Amen, the Archangel Michael, the Messiah and the Grail Bloodline.