Monday, 1 July 2019

After Saint Sulpice, Notre Dame, Public Article

Over the past few years, he has been exposed to the dark secrets of humanity of all kinds: political and personal corruption, church hypocrisy, and the profound absence of history ... with the arrival of our vocabulary wreaths, the repeated penetrations of foreign cultures. In human evolution. At this stage it is impossible to get a clear picture of the life and wars that shook the galaxy and affected our planet. However, presenting a story can open up our horizons to ease our trip.

In conclusion this article, although we will mention together with Pluto Saturn for the years 2019 and 2020, but we will focus on the role of two stars, Sirius and Vega. The goal is to understand how humanity develops to connect our consciousness and consciousness to the right frequencies.

Coupling of Pluto-Saturn-Vega in Capricorn: According to astrologers, humanity stands a great leap, increased / strong Zeus of Jupiter. This astronomical configuration already occurred about 500 years ago. Looking back at history reveals the active effect of this configuration. "The last time the planets were formed was connected in 1518 to 1520." Two major events changed the humanitarian perspective: "Protestantism and the beginning of the conquerors of the decline of Central America (Discovery of Mayan culture in February 1517 and Aztec culture in May 1518)" * A new religious trend, discovering the New World.

The sign of Capricorn dominates the economy, distribution and recycling. With a quick summary, we can expect a complete structural change of global structures, power distribution, and the functioning of our global financial system.

What draws attention to this celestial event is that it occurs when the axis of the neck, or location of the northern and southern lunar junction has undergone signs of Capricorn cancer. The neck axis refers to the frequencies in which humans develop collectively and where to focus. It is also the area where the eclipse or windows transformation and opportunity occur over a year and a half.

Interestingly, the coupling of Pluto and Saturn's current bulky axis also encompasses the constellations Vega, Capricorn, and Sirius in cancer. Finally, when your 2019-2020 combined session, at the time of the first eclipse of 2019, on January 5th, the sun and moon keeps firmly in their lap and their Vega, while surrounded by Pluto, causing change, on one side, and Saturn --- shape, structures, karma, side The second.

May 18th 2019, Uranus and the Wesak Full Moon

Perhaps this is because most of us have overlooked the goal of self-realization that our world is in such a sorry state. To change it for the better, we must radically change our consciousness. In this sense, the configurations that are currently working in Capricorn can make changes in our personal and collective behavior, and hopefully change our environment. Of course, this will not be easy "

Over the last three decades, knowledge and progress in technology, medicine, neuroscience and physics have taken so rapid steps that it is difficult to follow everything.

Along with the growing violent movement for a better world, revelation is dominated by our dark and corrupt aspects on the news every day. But if we care, we also have the honor of living in one of the most explosive bursts of knowledge, conscience and exciting creativity.

Although we still can not see / perceive everything, humans have tremendously pushed the boundaries of their world, both cosmic and quantum: "The first direct observation of gravity waves was made on 14 September 2015 and announced by LIGO and Virgo, On February 11, 2016. "(wiki) Observe our galaxy through related telescopes, identify the supernatural group of Lanieka, new theories about black holes and dark energy (see notes), the first picture taken from a black hole, how do we explain this huge and sudden knowledge?

Through the human desire to reach the universe, while the heart / cosmic mind has spread to the exchange of consciousness and human existence. This undoubtedly proclaims a new level of fusion between heaven and earth. Guided by the Sacred Heart, yearning for the Spirit and looking to reach God. The brain investigates and then brings together the mind and heart to trigger more awareness.

Uranus is an outer planet, and therefore, it is associated with our lives in a larger picture. It was connected with the will, electricity, nervous system and the higher mind, Aquarius, Uranus in March 1781. His appearance in our consciousness caused faster changes for mankind.

The archangel Michael's balances love, determination and faith. Its color is cobalt blue.