Thursday 24 January 2019

October 2018 Full Moon, Venus in the Scorpio

Full Moon, October 2018: Venus Retrograde in Scorpio


In 1971, towards the end of October, I said: ‘The end of October is always bad. Something terrible always happens.” Four decades later, with a lot more awareness, hard spiritual work and more sense of responsibility, I can finally breeze and smile, even at the end of October.

My wish is that the Planet and humankind in general could feel and say the same thing: we have understood our lessons and are now ready for a brand-new world, although it does not look like it. We are still unravelling the murder of Mr. Khashoggi, commanded by the Saudi elite and ‘crown prince’. Whether or not the dissident journalist and activist was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, or promoting democracy across the Arab world, no leader, no country should have the right to practice or order torture and decapitation. Now, how will President Trump, and all other political and economic leaders react? Who will have the courage to stand up and refuse the ongoing comedy?

Concomitantly, Sotheby’s and the international art market discuss the true identity of Bansky; Art market: smile and sip a new glass of champagne, while your last acquisition self-destruct: “When a Banksy painting “self-destructed” after selling at auction for £1.04 million ($1.4 million) last week, it looked like the perfect stunt.”

“I believe that we are puppets – we are puppets with perception, with awareness; sometimes we can see the strings and perhaps, our awareness is the first step in our liberation” Dialog, movie Experimenter, Doctor Stanley Milgram, a Yale Professor who studied human response to orders and choices (why did people accept to make others suffer, for instance during WWI).

How long is the world continue to accept being ruled by corruption, idiocy, genocides and murder? It is time to for the population to stop envying and begging for a space on the international stage (look at me, vote for me). It is time to take a stand, in any possible way: protect the Earth, save energy, refuse to consume, refuse technology, ban the old-boys-clubs and drunk fraternities (and sororities), refuse murders by decapitation and without a trial. Whether or not Khasoggi was part of the Muslim Brotherhood, we are in the 21st century and no one should be allowed to order torture and murder because he is in a position of power. This is gruesome and disgusting. The United States should not continue selling arms to a band of regime based on a consensus of ‘caution, reservation and deception’ where torture and dismemberment are the norm.

“The question now is not whether the Saudis’ latest explanation for Jamal Khashoggi’s death is credible, but whom do they think they’re fooling. In the autocratic world of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, what common people think is irrelevant; what matters is whether throwing his hit men under the bus is enough to satisfy President Trump” or any other so called-human being.

Venus retrograde in Scorpio
How can we link the ongoing events with the stars’ energies? “Venus retrograde prompts a more critical re-evaluation and reassessment. The transit can also prompt an exploration the shadow side of desire, i.e. addiction, obsession, self undermining, destructiveness, jealousy, hidden agendas, abuse of power, sexuality, betrayal, violence.

To paraphrase Mick Jagger: “You can’t always get what you want” – but like it or not, you’ll certainly get what you need from this transit. Watch for the transit to peel back layers, to expose what you need to know. Ultimately, the journey through the dark is meant to turn up the light.

Venus in Scorpio lifts the veil so you can better see what is of value. Dilemma and hard choices are in the mix. Through the start of December, Venus works through a skipped step (evolutionary astrology) or at the bendings (classical astrology term) relationship with the karmic axis. This is suggestive of running up against it yet again, of facing a threshold that has not yet been successfully surpassed.”

Classical astrologers emphasize again on personal feelings, love, etc; a a full moon in the Taurus is the sign of an emotional-self searching for stability. Joined/conjunct with Uranus, the unpredictable, we have upsetting uncertainty or unexpected love affairs. This is still baby-nicy talk. If we consider the dance executed by Venus and Mars over a few weeks, there is much more to learn. Venus, the goddess of love and harmony, is in detriment in the Scorpio. Also, Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars, the god of war, trigger of violence.

“Venus rules those things that we’re attracted to – whether it’s a person, a piece of food or an integral value. On the flip side then she also rules what we don’t like. In forward motion, Venus does her best to smooth things over, to make good, to see the positives. But in retrograde motion and especially in Scorpio, she is likely to become more vehement about what she doesn’t like. Venus will for all of us, reveal something of where we too have been making good rather than dealing with what we don’t like.”

Full Moon November 2018 and Thanksgiving

Full Moon November 2018 and Thanksgiving

—- the chart does not want to load. will be posted later!

Tomorrow night, the moon will be full and facing Jupiter, in his home, the sign of Sagittarius. During the November full moon, Jupiter almost conjuncts the Sun. Expansion of the light; well-being, optimism, wealth, the desire to give or boast a little more…  What a picture!

Jupiter left the Scorpio and entered Sagittarius on the day of the new moon, reinforcing the energy of a new beginning. Then, the full moon is at 0 degrees Gemini, again new beginning.

Making a T square with the Sun/Jupiter and Moon axis is the fiery Mars, in Pisces, a sign that is also ruled by Jupiter [and Neptune]. Mars is the action. It is supported by two beautiful trigones with Uranus and Saturn. Action, retraction.

Two ways to look at the situation: the temptation to burst and jump because we want to act now and quickly; or as a sign that we have a full range of possible options; although Neptune (fog, illusions) is teasing our Mind (square with Mercury) and nagging Jupiter.

Yes, Alcyone, one of the Pleiades is conjunct to the Moon, and in Gemini. Therefore, the bipolar star, in double-sided Gemini, might be a little tricky and send us some darkness. But, we can decide to focus on the expanded light (Sun-Jupiter) and the windows of change (trigones).

As the Sun and Jupiter are conjunct, we should feel the light flooding our Solar Heart and Jupiter’s blessings at reach. All this happens a few hours after Thanksgiving!

After spending 18 months looking in depth at the dark sides of power. Let’s reflect a little more on our relationship with power, how we treat others when we are in a position of authority, and adjust again our egos and humility.  This sharper vision of ourselves is the opportunity to use our blessings to better serve the Divine and the community.

Timely, let’s ponder on our blessings and what we are grateful for.

I am grateful for all the lessons and insights received through Jupiter in Scorpio; for the strength that I was given, for the love that I feel for myself and others.

Thank you to those who have supported the Sanctuary and My spiritual duties. Thank you for the team working on the website improvement.


About the moon: “Grant Lewi, in Astrology for the Millions, offered the most evocative description of the Moon when he wrote the following: “When you “know what you mean but you can’t say it,” it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can’t say it. “Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears” are the thoughts of your Moon’s nature. The wordless ecstasy, the mute sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself that you can’t get across to the world, or which the world doesn’t comprehend or value – these are the products of the Moon in your horoscope. When you are misunderstood, it is your Moon nature, expressed imperfectly through the Sun sign, that you feel is betrayed. When you know what you ought to do, but can’t find the right way to do it, it is your Moon that knows and your Sun that refuses to react in harmony. Also, when you “don’t know why I said that,” it was your Moon expressing despite your Sun, etc”

2019, New Nodal Axis, Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, Be Ready for changes!

Dragon Head, Persian Manuscript

2019, New Nodal Axis, Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter, Be Ready for changes!

Year three: Faith and Trinity. Triangle, Trinity, the merging of three energies for manifestation. Or, You, the environment and God. That could be an interesting experiment for many!

Violence in Paris: we understand the population’s complete ‘raz le bol’. It takes a good dose of wisdom and detachment, to go on and bare the economical dead-end faced by an increasing number of people. Not even speaking about those living in Yemen or Syria! While Chinese are counting their new billionaires… The protesters were angry and often drank… Is this how we want to change the system? Yes, we welcome globalism and sharing but we are also feeding the dumbing down — nivellement par le bas— of our societies.  Braking other people’s property and destroying historical artifacts or monument does not change the present aberration that has engulfed our political and economic systems.

Should the French work during the weekend? That might stop the protests. Or, learn from American entrepreneurs… ‘You wanna make big bucks? Who’s suffering? Create a charity, uses tax dollars and reward yourself’: Mr. Sanchez, grew up ‘along the Mexican border’. His family was very poor, but he managed to go to Harvard (how did he do and is the chief executive of Southwest Key, a charity providing shelters for the migrant children.

“Mr. Sanchez seized the chance to expand his nonprofit when thousands more unaccompanied children began crossing the border during the Obama era. When the Trump administration needed to house migrant children it had separated from their parents, Mr. Sanchez took them in.” “Southwest Key has collected $1.7 billion in federal grants in the past decade, including $626 million in the past year alone”…. Mr. Sanchez, calling himself ‘a social-justice warrior’ ‘was paid 1 was paid $1.5 million last year — more than twice what his counterpart at the far larger American Red Cross made.”

Souwest Key and Mr. Sanchez:

As for politicians, besides making millions miserable, they do not stop entertaining us with their attempts in balancing egos and power. Trump is back dining with Xi Jinping because the enemies need each other.  Well, let’s be children and speak about the stars. A refreshing start with the voice of a very young man, preparing for ascension! ttps:// . Oh, maybe the old generation has not worked in vain!  After 60 years of service, 30 preaching in the Desert and 20 years, literally in the Desert, it seems that more people men are finally ready to hear!!

2019, be ready for the changes! Lunar nodal axis moves in Cancer-Capricorn

An important event happened in November: the lunar nodes changed sign. First, remember that the nodes move mostly retrograde – reverse from the planets.

Astrologers use two indicators: the True Node, in which the motion of the nodes is recorded, as is, with a motion mostly retrograde, yet sometimes direct. You can check that in the Ephemeris.

Descending node- Dragon Tail

The Mean Node, which is a calculated average between steps, retrograde and direct. The Mean Node always goes retrograde.

The nodal axis, the line between North and South nodes, indicates what type of energies we are clearing up and evolving through collectively during 1.5 years. It also determines the type of general karma/background of the babies born within a nodal cycle. “We will soon see the births of children who are members of a very different soul-tribe than the babies who’ve been born since early 2017. That is because south node energy is what you see in a newborn baby’s eyes, at least once you have stripped away all the required rhapsodic cooing. Babies are as human as you or me, warts and all. As the south node switches signs, the nature of warts switches too.”

For you, the nodal axis, and the eclipses, happening around the nodes, indicate what you will need to work on to grow; most importantly, eclipses are the windows for freedom of the past and opportunities for the future. The nodal axis is called the karmic axis or cosmic destiny axis.

The nodal axis changed in October 2015; in April May 2017, the nodal axis was Aquarius/Leo. Then, in November 2018, it shifted to Cancer/Capricorn. The last time that we were on the Cancer-Capricorn axis was from April 2000 to October 2001. This gives an indication of the situations that could be presented in your life.

Immediately, we must stress out that the sign of Capricorn currently hosts two heavy duty celestial bodies: Pluto, still at 20 Capricorn (= at 20 degrees) while Saturn is at 11 degrees, in its own sign.

The Leo-Aquarius energies have emphasized on finding self, shining the ego and cultivating freedom or self-centeredness- depending at what level we are.

The Dragon Head or North Node is now in Cancer. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer emphasizes on home, your roots, family and traditions, mother and emotions. Comfort, security, food are primary concerns. The Cancer is receptive and could become passive, even weak. Psychologically, the feeling of being safe comes from inside. On the opposite side of this axis, the Capricorn creates his boundaries from external sources.

Collective connection to the feminine aspect and matriarchy. Women can use this transit to grow in power and income! Countries are rethinking their position towards a global economy, earth changes and protection of eco-systems, migrants. Protectionism, nationalism, borders are part of the trends.

The Head is in the Moon= The emotional Moon takes a dose of reason, awareness and thinks straight.

Opposite, the south node (headless on the picture, Dragon Tail) sits in Capricorn, home of Saturn, thus structure. Capricorn is a male, father sign, authoritative, ambitious, looking for social order or status. It is an authority within society, within the consensus and thus leading Mr. Capricorn to emotional repression if uncomfortable.  This sign concerns big businesses, institutions. Individuals marked by the Capricorn, or strongly loaded with Saturnian energies, gets locked in ‘how things should be’ and could abuse their power, even become dictators. The integrated Capricorn is a wise philosopher living as a hermit, or the expert in strategy…

Capricorn is represented as a goat with a fish tail, a reminder of the Sumerian Enki, presiding over creation, magic, water. Enki, who stands with one foot on solid Earth and one on Water, was believed to dwell in the Abzu, the primeval ocean or sea of creative semen. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is the agent of construction, crystallization of the creative impulse.

The first obvious idea is that mankind is rethinking the balance of power between feminine and masculine energies and leadership. This balance can take many forms. In September 2011, after the event in New York, the US created HOMEland security.

The transit Cancer-Capricorn opposes nurturing the areas of home, family, and emotions versus driving ambitions and social status. It could lead to a struggle between structured power — governments, kingdoms, and democracy.

Eclipses in 2019, your windows of opportunity and change:

This is only a list. Details will be added later:

January 5th: Partial solar
January 20-21: Total lunar
July 2nd: Total solar Visible in South America. Eclipse chasers can contact me if you feel like traveling.
July 16th: Partial lunar
December 26th: Solar, annular.
A fun transit November 11-12: Mercury will move in front of the Sun.

In 2019, Pluto and Saturn will be close enough to be considered conjunct and will already feel the impact of Jupiter in the Sagittarius. Saturn will be at 20 Capricorn while Pluto will have progressed up to 23. This conjunction demands to transform or letting go (death, symbolic or not) the structures in your life that have become obsolete.


A significant trigger for change is the ongoing conjunction Pluto/Vega. The Star Vega, Alpha-Lyra sits almost opposite to Sirius. One of the most important renewals in our Cosmic energy system is the handover of power and leadership from Sirius to Vega. This is the uttermost transmutation that is taking place with Pluto, then Saturn and then will be blessed by the powerful Jupiter.


French: Capricorne et astrologie mondiale, Saturne

Killing Mr. Kashoggi, video, New York Times:

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Solar Eclipse January 5th 2019, Vega start up!

Solar Eclipse January 5th, 2019, Vega start up!

This partial solar eclipse is dismissed by many as a minor event. Let’s expand and apply the Michaelic understanding to the story!
Remember the basics:

Solar eclipse: the moon sits between the Sun and the Earth. Happening with NEW MOON, therefore new beginnings.

Lunar Eclipse: Earth sits between the Sun and the Moon. Occurring during a full moon, thus triggering the subconscious mind, emotions, past, dreams.

Eclipses come in pairs, one for review, one for change. They provide for the trigger, either fate/time-line in your growth or an event, a person, a situation that will crystalize the movement.

Eclipses in 2019, your windows of opportunity:

January 5th: Partial solar

January 20-21: Total lunar

July 2nd: Total solar Visible in South America. Eclipse chasers can contact me if you feel like traveling.

July 16th: Partial lunar

December 26th: Solar, annular.

First 2019 eclipse: New Moon, January 5th:  Eclipse in the Capricorn, in the Dragon tail area. Quite interesting: a new moon, indicator or new beginnings, yet in the Dragon Tail. The Tail energy is related to subconscious, moon-like functioning, connected to the past. 

The Saturn Pluto cycle and conjunction:

The most significant event in 2019-2020:  Pluto and Saturn slowly joining and conjunct in January 2020. These are slow, heavy planets, thus already impacting us and very present during the eclipse. In 2019, Pluto and Saturn will be close enough to be considered conjunct and will already feel the impact of Jupiter in the Sagittarius. Saturn will be at 20 Capricorn while Pluto will have progressed up to 23. This conjunction demands to transform or letting go (death, symbolic or not) the structures in the system and personal life that have become obsolete.  You can feel the need of breaking from structures, limitations, obligations, although the energy might require heavy ground work.

“The Saturn–Pluto cycle occurs roughly every 33 to 38 years, varying according to Pluto’s highly elliptical orbit. This meeting of forces represents, among other things, the redistribution of power in the world or, in other words, which faction will make the decisions that affect the greater collective, whether this occurs in plain sight or behind the scenes. From a spiritual perspective, this cycle reflects a rite of passage determining who is most qualified to be the custodian of resources and thus regulates who will be in a position of influence. In its purest form, this cycle is one of the highest tests of integrity and morality for those in authority, along with a test of capacity and resilience. Beyond the management of power, this cycle is also about the skill to increase power and the value of resources.”

Photo: Aviad Bublil GFDL et cc-by-3.0 Hades & Cerberus in the Museum of Archeology in Crete

“This conjunction happens every 40 years and every 500 years in a specific sign. For this reason, if we want to understand how it is going to manifest in the sign of Capricorn shortly, we need to use the time machine that is, the ephemeris, go back and check the historical context of last time it happened. Last time the two planets formed conjunction was between 1518 and 1520. The two major events of this area were: the start of Protestantism and the Conquistadors landing in Central America (discovery of Maya civilization in February 1517 and Aztec civilization in May 1518).”

Jupitair, French article:

Jupitair: English

The Capricorn is connected to the second house, ruling economy, the distribution and circulation of money. The Capricorn is often regarded as austere. Beyond the Capricorn, when the beast has been mastered appears the Unicorn, altruistic and leading the soul to the light. Pluto/Hades is the king of the Underworld.

January 5th, 2019 Solar eclipse:

In the previous article, we have mentioned the importance of the Pluto-Saturn placement in conjunction with the Star Vega, Alpha Lyra. Pluto and Saturn are the agents of transmutation and rebuilding in harmony with the Lyra’s frequencies, after the letting go of the Sirian cosmic leadership. Saturn and Pluto will be at their tightest hug in April 2019. But the eclipse marks the onset of the mechanisms with the new moon and the eclipse happening at 15 Capricorn. The Sun and Moon are tightly embraced between Pluto (degree 20) and Saturn at 11 Capricorn.

This is the interpretation found in Astrologyking: “Solar eclipse conjunct Saturn does give this eclipse more serious overtones. It reinforces the grave and sober influence of Vega in general, and the critical, abrupt, reserved and unpopular influence from Vega. However, Neptune eases the cold and restrictive nature of Saturn. Saturn gives the discipline and patience to fulfill your duties and obligations. You may have to take on extra responsibility or act as a mentor or guide.” This author still mentions the ‘poetic’ side of Vega. If we think about the Lyra as Orpheus’s home, we must feel poetry and music. As you know, Vega, connected to Hermes and Apollo, is My home in this corner of the universe; while writing, my cells respond to Vega’s vibration.

According to the lore, Mercury made a Lyra and gave it to Orpheus who charmed humans and beasts with his wonderful music. After Orpheus death, Jupiter placed the Lyre in Heaven.  Do you remember Orpheus’ story? Orpheus, Apollo’s son, fell in love for the nymph Eurydice. Eurydice, enjoying nature with friends, was noticed by the shepherd Aristaeus. Escaping him, she was bitten by a snake and died. Struck by grief, Orpheus decided to find her in the underworld, kingdom of Pluto/Hades and Persephone. Charmed by Orpheus’ music, the masters of the underworld gave him permission to take back his beloved to the land of the living. There was one condition: Orpheus could not look at this wife while on the path to the upper world. Orpheus could not hear Euridyce, behind him, because she was immaterial. He lost faith and turned around to check if she was still following him. Euridyce vanished then, for eternity.

Vega is then the resting place of a hero who was a talented musician, experiencing all notes/frequencies with an instrument created by Hermes, the gods’ messenger. This hero also visited and escaped the underworld. The eclipse takes place in the vicinity of the Dragon Tail. Rahu, the Dragon Head was beheaded during a war in heaven involving the underworld: when the gods became weak in their battle with the demons, they needed an energy boost. Vishnu offered the ambrosia, nectar of immortality; yet someone had to churn the ocean, and bring the cream, the ambrosia or potion of immortality. “In order to churn the milk-ocean, the gods needed to use one of the Himalayan mountains as a churning stick. They could not lift this mountain themselves, having lost their power, so they asked Vishnu if it would be prudent to ask their enemies to help and, in return, to share the ambrosia. Vishnu agreed that he would oversee the project, and a truce between the gods and the Asuras was declared. Now the work could begin. A gigantic snake, Vasuki, the demon serpent who ruled the Underworld, was caught and wrapped around the mountain as a churning rope.”

The symbol is clear: As Orpheus, after the dive in the subconscious and the shadow, the visit of the Underworld, after playing with all the available frequencies/notes and creating your own ambrosia, you can visit or attune with Vega, the abode of the Archangel Michael, Principle of Light. The January partial solar eclipse happening at 15 Capricorn marks the timing, the onset of the attuning mechanisms between the Earth and Vega, in the Lyra Constellation. The Sun and Moon are tightly embraced between Pluto (degree 20) and Saturn at 11 Capricorn. Note the importance of the Pluto-Saturn placement in conjunction with the Star Vega, Alpha Lyra. Pluto and Saturn are the agents of transmutation and rebuilding in harmony with the Lyra’s frequencies, and the Archangel Michael, the Light Principle, after the passage in the Underworld and the letting go of the Sirian cosmic leadership.

The nodal axis Cancer-Capricorn which will impact mankind for 18 months could be interpreted as the return to Source (Cancer is home, roots), to our Creator, the Michaelic Consciousness.

If we add the impact of Jupiter in his home, the Sagittarius, we definitely have a chance to  rebuild or expand our world; eventually after a revolution (Uranus) of our international structures, of the financial and trading system, a larger number of earthlings will join all the groups, around the planet that have silently and diligently created visionary projects, greener technologies, a more balanced power.

Finally, Neptune and Saturn form a sextile. Neptune was retrograde for five months (June to November). Neptune strengthens sensitivity, intuition and assists your inner-search for spiritual growth. For months, you had the opportunity to see more clearly the delusions, phobias, paranoia that have kept you captive, preventing the manifestation (Saturn is the agent of crystallization) of your dreams. Are you ready for this new window of opportunity?

MORE astro:

The nodal axis change, Cancer-Capricorn axis for 18 months:  finding home roots, compassion, security vs fighting for excellence at the top of the mountain, yet eventually alone.

Stars, constellations and the Son of God –

I do not know what the sources are but food for thoughts


A detailed story of the origin of the names, DRAGON HEAD and DRAGON TAIL

More about the star Vega:

All Important dates and configurations:

IN THE NEWS: Can trauma become trans-generational?

In mid-October, researchers in California published a study of Civil War prisoners that came to a remarkable conclusion. Male children of abused war prisoners were about 10 percent more likely to die than their peers were in any given year after middle age, the study reported.

The findings, the authors concluded, supported an “epigenetic explanation.” The idea is that trauma can leave a chemical mark on a person’s genes, which then is passed down to subsequent generations. The mark doesn’t directly damage the gene; there’s no mutation. Instead, it alters the mechanism by which the gene is converted into functioning proteins or expressed. The alteration isn’t genetic. It’s epigenetic.

NEVER PRESIDENT BY CHANCE: In 1943, President Trump’s uncle, a scientist at MIT, involved in reviewing Tesla’s documents for the FBI:

An article in the New Yorker described Trump’s role in evaluating Tesla’s papers:

“Trump was involved in radar research for the Allies in the Second World War, and in 1943 the F.B.I. had enough faith in his technical ability and his discretion to call him in when Nikola Tesla died in his room at the New Yorker Hotel, in Manhattan, raising the question of whether enemy agents might have had a chance to learn some of his secrets before the body was found. (One fear was that Tesla was working on a “death ray.”) As Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth recount in “Tesla, Master of Lightning,”

Professor Trump examined Tesla’s papers and equipment, and wrote a report for the FBI stating nothing of national security significance was found within them.” Etc full article:

Human Journey Between Sirius and Vega, public

Human Journey Between Sirius and Vega:

For the past two years, mankind’s dark secrets of all types have been exposed: political and personal corruption, churches’ hypocrisy, the deep involvement of the Occult in history… and with the entry of Exopolitics in our vocabulary, the ongoing intrusions of alien civilizations in human evolution. It is impossible at this point to have a clear picture of the lives and wars that have shaken the galaxy and impacted our planet. However, a story emerges that can open our horizons and ease our journey.
In this brief article, although we will mention the Pluto-Saturn conjunction for 2019 and 2020, we will focus on the role of two stars, Sirius and Vega. The goal is to understand how mankind is evolving in order to connect our brain and consciousness with the right frequencies.
The Pluto-Saturn-Vega conjunction in Capricorn: According to astrologers, mankind is about to experience a major shift, amplified by the approaching powerful Jupiter/Zeus. This astrological configuration already occurred about 500 years ago. Looking back at history reveals the energetical impact of such configuration. “Last time the two planets formed conjunction was between 1518 and 1520.” Two major events changed human perspective: “the start of Protestantism and the Conquistadors landing in Central America (discovery of Maya civilization in February 1517 and Aztec civilization in May 1518).”* A new religious trend emerged while the new world was discovered.
The sign of Capricorn rules the economy, the distribution, and circulation of money. Quickly summarized, we can expect a full reconfiguration of the world structures, the distribution of power, the functioning of our global financial system.
What is remarkable about this celestial event is that it is happening while the nodal axis or position of a north and south lunar nodes has moved into the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. The nodal axis indicates what frequencies humans are evolving through collectively and where they should focus. It is also the area in which the eclipses or windows of transformation and opportunities take place over the course of one and a half years. Interestingly, the Pluto-Saturn conjunction and the present nodal axis also involve the stars Vega, in Capricorn, and Sirius in Cancer. Finally, as a startup for the special 2019-2020 conjunction, during the first eclipse of 2019, on January 5th , the Sun and the Moon are tightly holding Vega in their embrace, while surrounded by Pluto, agent of transformation, on one side, and Saturn — form, structures, karma, on the other side.
For full article: membership section

For everyone, for mankind, and for the Earth, may 2019 be a year of increased consciousness and love. Blessings, AAMKL
Photo: what was above me while meditating on the Solstice, on the San Andreas Fault

Astrological summary 2019-2021. Ready for a Pole-Shift?

Earth level

For all those who want an easy summary…. Jupiter is in his home, the Sagittarius, and is ready to dispense his blessings. He is pretty much having a good time with Neptune. Together they build big dreams, with enthusiasm and even love.  You are launching wonderful projects. Mars is ready to give all his energy for action to happen,   often in synchronicity with Uranus.

Uranus would prefer to challenge or innovate the system big time, give a kick in the projects that Neptune and Mars want to manifest. Uranus likes to create upheavals… gilets jaunes for instance… But… Saturn, time, might still be eating his children…. Saturn says: “slow down, not yet, not enough wisdom, still karma to handle… not until you have definitively dealt with my friend Pluto,  Lord of Underworld”. In his corner, Mercury tries to find a solution, to organize things better with the help of the Capricorn or just make sense of the situation.

Heaven level (Hypothesis)
The forever big guys have a conversation. Jupiter, on Skype, calling Saturn, in his home, the Capricorn, who happens to entertain a guest and friend, Pluto, Lord of Hades and Death.  Jupiter, the Earthly king, is ready to be kingly and distribute bounties; In close collaboration with the Old Dragon and the Cosmic Lords, Jupiter prepares to pull out his sword and free the Earth-Axis, with Mars. But the situation might be too explosive. Saturn, his father, is advising patience. Cranking the system, time, darkness, finances is on schedule, but the Underworld is still full of people on probation. Pluto cannot release them unless they finish their time or get kicked by the gangs. More harmony is needed between Mars and Venus, which could happen at the next eclipse (January 20-21).


-That won’t be enough, says the Old Dragon, unless enough humans can access the dimensional and time portal, we  MIGHT HAVE TO IMPOSE A DRASTIC MOVE, eventually a POLE SHIFT.

– Saturn: Yeah, a little more time; why don’t we wait a few months, when we can all gather in my home, Capricornus? (January 2020).

-The Old Dragon:  maybe, but, still too early…. we need more couple therapy for Sun and Moon. Moon wants to dominate the dance.  The specific tango staged in 2003, takes 6586 steps. This specific act, this dance, will end in May-June 2021. We have chances to end this part of the play smoothly. Remember, this was the wish expressed by My Heavenly Counterpart, the Archangel Michael, in 2003.  

“A geometrical form emerged from Heaven, magnificent and radiant… the Celestial Jerusalem is now anchored on Earth, as announced in the prophecies….the main vortex of Mont Saint Michel is being activated, overshadowed by the New Jerusalem. The Archangel Michael says: “it is time to reconstruct the poles. A movement of the vortices is starting… if I direct the movement slowly, with kindness and compassion, we will be able to avoid a brutal reaction of the physical bodies of the planet, and thus, as much as possible, spare the human race.” etc

(More in the books Kiss for Lucifer, annex, Cosmic Love: timelines and Wesak reports 2001 and 2003).

1/6/19 The Archangel Michael Speaks… less and less because everyone knows everything…
The world in general, everyone wants to be seen and be in power; in 3D, the situation manifests into impossible governability mixed with disillusion about democracy and globalism. In truth, men have rightfully discovered segments of truth about self, religions, Aliens, about spirituality and science.  Yet, they cannot see the big picture and are still polishing their low ego. In consequence, they have decided that God is dead instead of rephrasing the meaning of God and gods, and how to joyfully merge with the Universal Consciousness. The result is a possible fracture between the Spiritual Hierarchies and the human world.  We can cut the umbilical cord between a mother and a baby. But, no one can decide to live separated from What sustains Life Itself, from Consciousness manifested in many layers, one of them being your Spiritual Government. This fracture might come with consequences, more struggle than needed to ascend.


In truth, the Archangel Michael, My Spiritual Self, does not speak to human beings; as His/My Consciousness are so far out that such an exercise is impossible. Yet, My Consciousness has generated an Embodiment of Myself, an expression and anchor for My Frequency. This Embodiment has been overshadowed, performing specific tasks, teaching and guiding mankind, leading its evolution. An Embodiment is a precious tool, for the spiritual Hierarchies and for humans. It is a bridge between realities that mostly do not connect.


In other words, I, the Embodiment can transmit information about the Earth and human reality to Higher levels of Consciousness, easing the Earth transformational process. And… I can give you some clues. Do you like driving with your eyes closed? That is exactly what most humans do. How can you efficiently assist the Earth, your neighbors, and your family while stopping to use the compass that the universe compassionately provided for you?


What have you understood, integrated with the last 5 articles (Since John Dee)? How have you used this knowledge in your personal life? Ok, you are not Dee and this is none of your business.  The astrological trends are way over your head and you still do not know how to use them? Remember, we can work on that together.


Do you know what astral cyclic mechanisms can help you navigate life? The easiest one to consider in the present is the arrival of Jupiter in his house, the Sagittarius. Again, easy, just remember what you were focusing on 12 years ago.  Have you grasped how to use the eclipses, 4 to 5 windows per year?


It seems that readers did not comprehend the full meaning of the last article: Human journey between Sirius and Vega. I am trying not to make predictions for the future, but I thought that the audience who has followed my teachings for years would get it. So, do we need a webinar? Or is it time to reset your vibration and consciousness with a retreat? That’s what retreats and workshops are about. Re-center, focus on spiritual matters, reset. Remove all worldly affairs and interferences for a few days; meet again your soul as well as the Archangel Frequency, My Frequency.



An answer to one of our readers: ABOUT DISEASE AND SELF-HEALING:
(I am repeating the same things, but it seems necessary. Dear One, we spoke about your problem on our very first meeting, and again later, a few times).


Disease and pain are the body’s manifestation of:

Inner world: you and you
– Inner struggle: you in the third dimension, fighting with your soul, your karma, your purpose. Self-demolition.

– Inner pain: you, dealing with or denying a trauma, a situation and all the consequences of this trauma on your personality, life, perceptions, and body.


Fight with the outer world:
Dealing with the environment: weather, wind, sun, work, viruses, cars and trees (creating accidents) …. entities, implants …. and people!


Others imposing their will, their desires, their needs on you and your unhealthy response to the situations.
Others imposing their energies on you: this is the ultimate consequence of all the above and has many manifestations that translate into diseases.

First-aid-kit: read again several chapters of the Book I Am That I Am: Subconscious, karma, energy relationships and APPLY the techniques. Oh, the book is not on Kindle… bad… when is the last time that you have cut the links with others? Or, have you ever cut the energy connections with almost everyone as recommended in the book? The only beings that you are not suggested to nicely clean out of your energy field are the babies and young children. All the rest is complaisance and complicity.


Or, is your denial so deep that you did it with such compassion for your abusers that they became your vampire-lovers? That’s exactly what humans do. Better marry a vampire than navigating life alone. As you see, I am in the mood for humor.


Prayer, praying for self and receiving other’s prayers is a good tool at the moment. It helps to keep the head of out the water or to decrease the pain, but it is a band-aid if the problem has not been identified and dealt with.

Denial and the habit of pushing the dirt under the carpet are the most convenient way to avoid facing the mirror and continue being a victim.


How it translates: invasion of one or more of your chakras. This is the easiest and most common cause of disease. If you cannot see or feel your chakras, just clean them every month or every spring, like your house! (again, I Am Book). Some examples:

Sexual organs and area: invasion of the second chakra, physically, by force, abuse or emotional struggle (i.e. the lack of respect of a husband, a drunk; last of self-respect: sleeping with someone that you do not want to be with because it is convenient!).
Loss of love: most breast cancers are the consequences of emotional traumas and losses.
Sexual parasites and all forms of itching: invasion by a human or by an entity
Digestive and abdomen pain, dysfunction, inflammation:
Always the reflection of a problem with other’s power or personal power. In work and family situations, in the couple, there is always the same question: who is in power and can we deal with not being the one in power? A consensus exists. Is it what we wish or not?

Then, if there is a struggle, people just jump in other’s 3rd chakra and stay there forever, incognito. As most do not ever deal with that, they will have to marry again or be abused again by the same person in the next incarnation!

The disease can also occur if you are powerful, yet not in the right position to exert your power accordingly => self – disbalance. Example: a bright young man with a high IQ, who did not go to school and has to flip burgers for a living.


Back, lower back pain, degenerating in pinched nerves, back surgery: something, generally someone finds you and your energy very attractive and tasteful and decided to eat your substance (spiritual vampire). Find the culprit and get your back straight again and pain-free.
Inflammation of the nerves: neck, back: a foreign energy, often an entity is attached to you.
Headaches: many roots, difficult to summarize in a few words. What is the area affected? Liver and Gall bladder are most often the culprits. It can also be a friendly visit in your crown chakra, and that could affect your thinking process, your nervous system.


One session, isolated within a few years, is rarely enough, because the homeopath needs to clean up the system (motor oil and filters), work on the last layers of  disbalance (the accident of last summer, the antibiotics are taken in hast, the grief of losing a friend), then, then, reset your life-force.

We recommend a follow-up session every 4- 6 months, or when your body is honestly screaming that there is a crisis to deal with. If you are never sick or know how to rebalance yourself after each of the above, bravo. As long as your body did not become a burden, all is perfect.

Love and Blessings