Thursday 24 January 2019

2019, New Nodal Axis, Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, Be Ready for changes!

Dragon Head, Persian Manuscript

2019, New Nodal Axis, Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter, Be Ready for changes!

Year three: Faith and Trinity. Triangle, Trinity, the merging of three energies for manifestation. Or, You, the environment and God. That could be an interesting experiment for many!

Violence in Paris: we understand the population’s complete ‘raz le bol’. It takes a good dose of wisdom and detachment, to go on and bare the economical dead-end faced by an increasing number of people. Not even speaking about those living in Yemen or Syria! While Chinese are counting their new billionaires… The protesters were angry and often drank… Is this how we want to change the system? Yes, we welcome globalism and sharing but we are also feeding the dumbing down — nivellement par le bas— of our societies.  Braking other people’s property and destroying historical artifacts or monument does not change the present aberration that has engulfed our political and economic systems.

Should the French work during the weekend? That might stop the protests. Or, learn from American entrepreneurs… ‘You wanna make big bucks? Who’s suffering? Create a charity, uses tax dollars and reward yourself’: Mr. Sanchez, grew up ‘along the Mexican border’. His family was very poor, but he managed to go to Harvard (how did he do and is the chief executive of Southwest Key, a charity providing shelters for the migrant children.

“Mr. Sanchez seized the chance to expand his nonprofit when thousands more unaccompanied children began crossing the border during the Obama era. When the Trump administration needed to house migrant children it had separated from their parents, Mr. Sanchez took them in.” “Southwest Key has collected $1.7 billion in federal grants in the past decade, including $626 million in the past year alone”…. Mr. Sanchez, calling himself ‘a social-justice warrior’ ‘was paid 1 was paid $1.5 million last year — more than twice what his counterpart at the far larger American Red Cross made.”

Souwest Key and Mr. Sanchez:

As for politicians, besides making millions miserable, they do not stop entertaining us with their attempts in balancing egos and power. Trump is back dining with Xi Jinping because the enemies need each other.  Well, let’s be children and speak about the stars. A refreshing start with the voice of a very young man, preparing for ascension! ttps:// . Oh, maybe the old generation has not worked in vain!  After 60 years of service, 30 preaching in the Desert and 20 years, literally in the Desert, it seems that more people men are finally ready to hear!!

2019, be ready for the changes! Lunar nodal axis moves in Cancer-Capricorn

An important event happened in November: the lunar nodes changed sign. First, remember that the nodes move mostly retrograde – reverse from the planets.

Astrologers use two indicators: the True Node, in which the motion of the nodes is recorded, as is, with a motion mostly retrograde, yet sometimes direct. You can check that in the Ephemeris.

Descending node- Dragon Tail

The Mean Node, which is a calculated average between steps, retrograde and direct. The Mean Node always goes retrograde.

The nodal axis, the line between North and South nodes, indicates what type of energies we are clearing up and evolving through collectively during 1.5 years. It also determines the type of general karma/background of the babies born within a nodal cycle. “We will soon see the births of children who are members of a very different soul-tribe than the babies who’ve been born since early 2017. That is because south node energy is what you see in a newborn baby’s eyes, at least once you have stripped away all the required rhapsodic cooing. Babies are as human as you or me, warts and all. As the south node switches signs, the nature of warts switches too.”

For you, the nodal axis, and the eclipses, happening around the nodes, indicate what you will need to work on to grow; most importantly, eclipses are the windows for freedom of the past and opportunities for the future. The nodal axis is called the karmic axis or cosmic destiny axis.

The nodal axis changed in October 2015; in April May 2017, the nodal axis was Aquarius/Leo. Then, in November 2018, it shifted to Cancer/Capricorn. The last time that we were on the Cancer-Capricorn axis was from April 2000 to October 2001. This gives an indication of the situations that could be presented in your life.

Immediately, we must stress out that the sign of Capricorn currently hosts two heavy duty celestial bodies: Pluto, still at 20 Capricorn (= at 20 degrees) while Saturn is at 11 degrees, in its own sign.

The Leo-Aquarius energies have emphasized on finding self, shining the ego and cultivating freedom or self-centeredness- depending at what level we are.

The Dragon Head or North Node is now in Cancer. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer emphasizes on home, your roots, family and traditions, mother and emotions. Comfort, security, food are primary concerns. The Cancer is receptive and could become passive, even weak. Psychologically, the feeling of being safe comes from inside. On the opposite side of this axis, the Capricorn creates his boundaries from external sources.

Collective connection to the feminine aspect and matriarchy. Women can use this transit to grow in power and income! Countries are rethinking their position towards a global economy, earth changes and protection of eco-systems, migrants. Protectionism, nationalism, borders are part of the trends.

The Head is in the Moon= The emotional Moon takes a dose of reason, awareness and thinks straight.

Opposite, the south node (headless on the picture, Dragon Tail) sits in Capricorn, home of Saturn, thus structure. Capricorn is a male, father sign, authoritative, ambitious, looking for social order or status. It is an authority within society, within the consensus and thus leading Mr. Capricorn to emotional repression if uncomfortable.  This sign concerns big businesses, institutions. Individuals marked by the Capricorn, or strongly loaded with Saturnian energies, gets locked in ‘how things should be’ and could abuse their power, even become dictators. The integrated Capricorn is a wise philosopher living as a hermit, or the expert in strategy…

Capricorn is represented as a goat with a fish tail, a reminder of the Sumerian Enki, presiding over creation, magic, water. Enki, who stands with one foot on solid Earth and one on Water, was believed to dwell in the Abzu, the primeval ocean or sea of creative semen. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is the agent of construction, crystallization of the creative impulse.

The first obvious idea is that mankind is rethinking the balance of power between feminine and masculine energies and leadership. This balance can take many forms. In September 2011, after the event in New York, the US created HOMEland security.

The transit Cancer-Capricorn opposes nurturing the areas of home, family, and emotions versus driving ambitions and social status. It could lead to a struggle between structured power — governments, kingdoms, and democracy.

Eclipses in 2019, your windows of opportunity and change:

This is only a list. Details will be added later:

January 5th: Partial solar
January 20-21: Total lunar
July 2nd: Total solar Visible in South America. Eclipse chasers can contact me if you feel like traveling.
July 16th: Partial lunar
December 26th: Solar, annular.
A fun transit November 11-12: Mercury will move in front of the Sun.

In 2019, Pluto and Saturn will be close enough to be considered conjunct and will already feel the impact of Jupiter in the Sagittarius. Saturn will be at 20 Capricorn while Pluto will have progressed up to 23. This conjunction demands to transform or letting go (death, symbolic or not) the structures in your life that have become obsolete.


A significant trigger for change is the ongoing conjunction Pluto/Vega. The Star Vega, Alpha-Lyra sits almost opposite to Sirius. One of the most important renewals in our Cosmic energy system is the handover of power and leadership from Sirius to Vega. This is the uttermost transmutation that is taking place with Pluto, then Saturn and then will be blessed by the powerful Jupiter.


French: Capricorne et astrologie mondiale, Saturne

Killing Mr. Kashoggi, video, New York Times:

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